Full Moon Ceremony

Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Full Moon is the most intuitive and productive time of the month. These are very transformative times and a strong emphasis is on time alone for meditation and reflection- Let us meet for a powerful full moon and together lift […]

Free – 50kr

New Moon Ceremony

Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Nymåneceremoni.  I kalenderåret har vi mellem 12 og 13 nymåner. Ved nymåne, det vil sige når månen er på sit svageste blus og mindst synlig på nattehimlen, er vi på det mest potente og vigtigste sted til at sætte nye […]


Full Moon & Spring Equinox Celebration

Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Spring is coming and it is a powerful time on the upcoming Equinox on March 20th. Equinox is the time of the year when day and night is of equal length. It is also the time where we set sails […]



Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Velkommen til det 3. store skift astrologisk set i 2019. Pluto og Saturn, der fra 5. april er "conjunct" med hinanden i Stenbukken får stor indflydelse for os alle resten af 2019 og videre ind i 2020. Hvordan det kommer […]


Nymåne i Tyrens tegn/New Moon in the sign of Taurus

Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Vi er nu vel inde i det 3. store personlige skift astrologisk set i 2019. Pluto og Saturn, der siden april ligger "conjunct" hinanden får stor indflydelse for os alle resten af 2019 og ind i 2020. Det forstærkes nu […]


Full Moon Celebration of WESAK

Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Celebration of the Taurus full moon in Scorpio is a most powerful time and opportunity to align with the light of the stars and the earth. The first full moon in Taurus is time for the celebration of the highly […]


New Moon in VIRGO – Super New Moon

Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Beautiful New Super Moon in VIRGO This a superbly creative New Moon with an Earth Grand Trine between Saturn, Uranus and the New Moon all fuelled by expansionist Jupiter. Channel this incredibly productive Earth energy by bringing through into reality […]



Tinkuy Badstuestræde 13, Copenhagen, Denmark

Magical month of September! A month of re-birth, of re-writing our-selves and our missions. The month is, by some, seen as the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning point of the Age of Aquarius culminating through clearing […]
